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Rhymin Rab’s Ramble

An educational, self-guided tour exploring the story of the Ulster Scots language with 'Bard of Moneyrea', Robert Huddleston

Rhymin Rab's Ramble self guided language tour image

A grand tour aye of Ulster Folk Museum with Ulster-Scots 'Bard of Moneyrea', Robert Huddleston!

Robert Huddleston was a farmer, craftsman, poet and songwriter and is also one of the gems of our museum. We hold thousands of manuscript pages written by Hiddleston including poems, songs, letters and even a novel. 'Rhymin Rab's dialect was laced with Scottish words, sounds and influences - and later this dialect would become accepted and known as Ulster Scots.  

This educational trail at Ulster Folk Museum allows visitors to explore the rich and diverse language traditions associated with Ulster Scots,  Irish-English, and Irish. 

This is part of our wider Languages of Ulster project that celebrates local languages and culture. Choose to enjoy the trail using an illustrated map or do the Irish language tour via your smartphone, if you have access to one, using the free playlists on Spotify.